Wednesday, August 8, 2012

August 8, 2012: Feathering Your Nest: The Chicken Philosopher Strikes Again.

"Feathering your nest" means planning and saving for the future.  It means creating a comfortable, beneficial environment to thrive in.  Some of us have IRA"s, investments, and savings, some of us, sadly, don't.  What about chickens?  How do they figure into this scenario? What do they know about investing?  Well nothing, but they do know who to thrive.

First of all, chickens have a daily routine designed to keep them safe and productive.  They wake up at a certain time. forage, hunting and pecking for their livelihood, and then retreat to their safe haven to produce a nest egg.  Their daily routine helps them stay healthy and strong. 

Secondly, once a year they begin to lose their feathers, called molting.  It occurs as a result of several things like fewer daylight hours,  or even stress.

It looks pretty awful and really is a physical drain on the chicken, but it is a necessary part of the chickens life cycle. It is a healthy process for the chicken, but not much fun, and probably uncomfortable.  For the chicken wrangler it means a big mess as feather are flying everywhere.  But it keeps your chickens healthy.  It's like puberty, only it happens every year.  Their health is dependent on this painful period of change.

During this time, just like with teenagers, chickens need a lot of fuzzeling, nurturing and understanding.  While chocolate which cures most mood swings in humans, chickens need protein rich treats.  I guess they really need comfort and support.  Not too different from humans huh?

Coincidentally, as a chicken wrangler, you may be able to parlay the feathers your chickens lose during molting, into you own nest egg.  Not only are chicken feathers pretty, but they can be used for crafting, fly fishing lures, and decorative items.  A little exploring on your computer can lead to resources for how to use chicken feathers and who buys chicken feathers.

Take a lesson from your sweet little flock, feather your nests, roll with life's painful punches, and create a safe healthy haven to thrive in. 

1 comment:

  1. Good one for this week. Thank you my Friend for reminding me of the simple leassons we so easily forget.

