Friday, November 29, 2013

11/29/2013: Molting is Revolting

Happy one day after Thanksgiving, chicken lovers.  What is it about the holidays that bring out the worst in some family members?  Drama is truly overrated.

                                                   Mabel at her fully feathered best.
Speaking of drama, I have begun to notice large amounts of feathers on the back yard door mats.  At first I thought the chickens had had a fight.  But no signs of same on either girl.  Then notice Mabel has stopped laying.  Barbara is still  happily laying one egg a day, but it's been several days since we've seen a pale greenish blue egg. 

Today, after several days of flying feathers everywhere. Mabel is looking pretty groddy.  Poor little thing looks almost naked, and in the winter too.  Is this right?  I thought chickens molted in the Fall, not mid-winter.  Our sweet little pretty Ameraucana is bald in patches. and looks hideous.

We don't mention that to her, but I thinks she knows cause she looks at her self in the sliding glass doors.  Barbara is strutting around like "look at me, I'm the normal chicken, Mabel is the mutant."  Kindness is not a big part of Barbara's character.

So, to make it up to Mabel, I give her extra raisins, and yogurt, and tell her that this too shall pass and she will be our pretty little hen again soon.  Then it will be Barbara's turn and Mabel will have the last laugh.