Saturday, August 4, 2012

Aug. 4th, 2012: Secrets of " Fuzzeling" Your Chickens

Yesterday I visited the person who opened the door to city chickens for me, my masseuse, Zahra. 
She is a true chicken whisperer and mommy to a flock of 22.  She shared that her husband had reported 9 eggs laid in one day by her girls.  9 eggs, one day, 22 chickens; that's a banner crop of eggs.  Zahra said that she had gone out and "fuzzeled with the chickens that morning.   So what is fuzzeling?

Turns out it is like "mothering" the girls, chatting with them, petting them, just being loving and sweet to them.  This is what I intend to do with my girls.  I mean we talk to our house plants, and they can't even come running when we call them, or show any real interest in us at all.  Chickens will.

Ever since embarking on this adventure I have run into dozens of people who share my interest in chickens.  Not all of of them are the fuzzeling type though.  Some just want the eggs and the idea of sustainability, being able in some small way to take care of ourselves without depending on the grocery store for everything.  I can get behind that.  Of course there are the large egg conglomerates, but I think very little fuzzeling goes on there.  In fact I try not to think about those places at all.

I am the fuzzeling type.  I fuzzel babies, animals, my husband, friends, even inanimate objects.  When I was using biofeedback as a adjunct to my psychotherapy practice for folks with somatic complaints, I learned that I needed to make friends with the equipment.  Talk nice to it, treat it gently OR, it could turn on you.
Think AV equipment at any seminar or training you have attended.  9 times out of 10 there is an equipment Snafu?  Why?  I saw my equipment, laptop, PP projector as my allies not my enemies.  Just that attitude adjustment alone saved my butt many times both in my practice and in the trainings I did.  Wow. that was kind of strangely, accidentally profound.

Anyway, I believe in fuzzeling.  I love the word, thank you Zahra.  My girls will all the fuzzeling they need. 
I will teach Cal  how to fuzzel, though he is getting real good at fuzzeling our dog Annie.  All of us need  fuzzeling, don't you think?  Have you fuzzeled someone today?  If not why not?

Get out there and fuzzel ( especially your chickens), it will pay off in ways we cannot even imagine.
Go chicken fuzzelers everywhere.

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