Saturday, November 3, 2012

November 3, 2012: Annie the Chicken Herder

It is a beautiful morning and the girls are up cruising around the yard.  They often go behind the hedges, but this morning, Annie went and found them and slowly herded them back towards the patio.  I did not know she was a herder.  Must have some Corgi in her somewhere along with the poodle and the unknown.

The girls now ignore her and she has stopped chasing them,  They seem to have made their peace and can now co-exist in the yard, though we still separate them when we leave home, mostly because we don't want the chickens to fall prey to any wandering predator. 

Annie is disgusted because they don't want to play with her.  She came back up on Cal's lap and showed her feelings quite well.  I can here her saying, " first they get those damn chickens and now those girls won't even play with me Mommy.  Why don't they like me? They make ME sick!"

I explained to her that she is the sweetest most precious baby to us, and that it is just the nature of chickens to be a little standoffish, and in fact they are probably just jealous of her beautiful blonde curly hair.  Then I gave her some of my peach yogurt and all was well.

Now the girls have wandered back up into the coop, and it may be egg laying time.  Lots of wiggling and brrrrrrrring going on in there.   Later, friends.

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