Thursday, November 22, 2012

November 22, 2012: Happy Thanksgiving!

Today is a day to reflect on the many blessings in our lives.  We know that God loves us, yet sometimes we may not even recognize our blessings until after the fact.  It may even feel like a punishment, or a painful experience.  The difference is how we discern the experience.  What is our perception of it; blessing or punishment?

Example:  Cal and I drove down to Vallejo and took the Ferry to San Francisco, checked in to a lovely hotel,  had a nice dinner,  and saw a wonderful play.  When we left the theater at 11:00 pm it was pouring down rain, I mean buckets.  All 2,000 of us were trying to get a cab.We had forgotten our umbrella, as it was not raining when we left the hotel.  There were no cabs. 

Cal dragged me down into the  subway, BART, where most of the 2K were heading.
We were soaked, dripping wet, I was scared, and really did not know how to even get a ticket.  When I get scared I get mad.  Seems a more functional defense then weeping. 

We came up out of the subway about a block from the hotel, still raining like hell.  I had a choice of how to respond.

I have to admit that usually when something bad happens I go right to punishment.  Why oh why is this happening, what did I do wrong?  Once I have racked myself over the coals so to speak, I start to step back and plan my response.  One thing I have never ever done is blame God.  I feel grateful for that.  After all, who cares whose to blame.  (However, I enjoy seeing someone held accountable for the bad things they do to others.  Instant Karma, that's the ticket!  Love it.)

Back to the rainy night in SF.  I decided to make this  a good experience.  I mean I was wet but warm.  I was not headed to sleep in a doorway as many of my brother and sisters. I was headed to a nice hotel.  I was not alone and scared, my husband was there and led the way.  I had not spent the evening trying to find food and shelter.  There was some threat as it was in the Tenderloin ( bad area of SF.), but no one was shooting at me.  And remember when I get scared I get mad, and I can be a formidable woman. 

I just started laughing.  Thank you God for all my blessings. 

Blessings come in very tiny whispers, and in huge ways.  I believe they are all around us every day, even in the most horrific experience, a blessing may be present.  My family, animals and friends are a source of endless blessings.

Today I count this blog as a blessing in that it has given me a way to express myself, my feelings, my experiences both boring and mildly exciting.  It is still about chickens.

When it rains they run for their coop, Usually with Barbara in the lead.  They eat anything,  They are excellent foragers.  They play with us, and seem to enjoy the simple things in life.  They don't seem to feel guilt.  They just live.

Mabel and Barbara are blessings in my life too.  They make me laugh and give us eggs. well Barbara does anyway.  Breakfast today is on Barbara, four of her lovely brown eggs.

May the God you worship bless you all today.

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