Tuesday, November 27, 2012

November 27, 2012: Auntie Kate comes to visit.

A very lovely lady came today to meet the girls,  Auntie Kate.  She came bearing lovely hostess gifts, sparkling and interesting conversation and lots of laughter.  Three of my favorite things on earth are great conservation, laughing and sharing stories.( which when you get my age, you have plenty of.) 

The stories about Jerry the Genius, the Jack Russell Terrier who lives at Kate and Richard's were so funny and adorable.  That little guy should have his own Reality TV show.  That's the fourth thing I really love, people who truly love animals.  Auntie Kate is one of those wonderful people who see animals as God's loving gift to us. 

Our dog Annie immediately  ( after a treat, as she always barks when new people come to the door to alert us) felt comfortable around Kate and fell asleep on the kitchen love seat while we had our coffee and Cal's scones ( pronounced Scawns -  no clue why?).

Now the chickens:  Well they were a little shy and we had to get Cal and Annie to herd them towards the house. Cal had to do the Senior Citizen vs Chicken Race and finally cornered Barbara who then allowed herself to be petted and loved up.  But her usual 10:00am egg did not appear.  Wanted to proudly show Kate what our several hundred dollars in chicken accoutrement resulted in. NO luck.

Despite the fact that I had a good talk with Barbara and Mabel yesterday about behavior, they did their chicken thing, exactly what they wanted to do.  Again that is the way of the chicken.

Barbara did finally produce a lovely warm egg at 1:30pm.   Mabel was in the coop with her.  She does that when Barbara is laying, yet she does not catch on.  What does she think Barbara is doing in their?

Anyway, had a lovely visit, a great way to start the day with a delightful friend.  Thank you Kate.  We will have to do this again.

1 comment:

  1. Love Miss Kate and all the photos of Jerry! He is very funny. Maybe Mabel thinks she doesn't have to lay and egg because Barbara is... Maybe she is just letting Barbara do all the work and Mabel just wants to be the cute one. :-)
