Tuesday, February 26, 2013

February 26, 2013: Mabel Waits Her Turn.

Yesterday I went out to visit and chat with the chickens.  Barbara was trotting as fast as she could into the chicken run, ran up the ramp into the nest and commenced to making her "here comes an egg" announcement.  I wandered back out into the yard looking for Mabel.  No Mabel! 

I called to her and she came running, ran right past me and into the chicken run.  She was cococoing, and seemed agitated.  I followed her into the run.  There she was pacing back and forth in front of the coop, just squawking up a storm.  WTH is wrong I asked?  She just kept up the tirade.  Clearly she was annoyed with Barbara.  

Up and down she paced, squawking.  She even ran up the ramp to look into the nesting area.  OK now I get it!  Mabel wants to lay an egg too! I mean she really needs to lay an egg!!!

See, chickens are funny little creatures of habit.  Once they start laying their eggs somewhere, that's where they will continue to lay.  Well, even though there are two nests up in the coop, the girls both like to lay their eggs in the same nest. 

Then Mabel started jumping up and down, actually trying to look up into the door of the nesting area.  OK enough is enough.  Get on with it Barbara, your little sister is pitching a fit.

Finally Barbara came down the ramp, and was nearly knocked over by a frantic Mabel.   Several moments later Mabel emerged, relief clearly apparent on her face. 

In the nest area I found two little eggs, one blue and one a creamy brown, resting against each other,  both still warm from the efforts of these two sweet little things. 

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