Thursday, February 21, 2013

February 21. 2013: Chicks are Cheep !

Went by Tractor Supply to pick up feed and scratch for the girls yesterday.  Walked in and there were pens with little bitty chicks in them.  OMG they were the cutest thing, and one whole area were pullets ( females).  I almost went nuts.  They are the cutest little things. Standing there was a young couple debating about getting some chicks.  Clearly they were novices, but also egg lovers with 4 kids.  I  launched into my spiel about our girls,  and how sweet they were, what their names were even showed them the video of the girls jumping for raisins.  I said we had two for 2 eggs a day.  The wife wanted to just get two and see how it went, but you had to buy 8  minimum.  They were only $1.99 each.  How cheap is that? 

The salesman was loving my extolling the virtues of having our girls and how friendly they become if you treat them sweet.  I suddenly realized that the folks probably thought I was wacky talking so much about our chickens.  "  What is that old lady talking so much about her chickens for"?  I gracefully edged away and we went about our original plan of getting supplies. 

A few minutes later I saw the couple leaving....with a small crate with 8 chicks in it.  Tractor Supply should hire me! 

I wanted some of those little chicks so bad.  At least I wanted to hold one, and pet it.  I came to my senses before I too left with a carton of 8 chicks.

But I'm going back to see if I can just hold one of those darling little babies.

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