Monday, December 10, 2012

December 10, 2010: Rethinking Chicken Clothes

When I first saw the websites for clothing for chickens, I thought "these people are nuts."  I am re-thinking this attitude as it gets colder outside.  I judged to quickly and now am thinking I'll start a project to make the girls each a Christmas sweater. 
Unfortunately I do not knit and have forgotten how to crochet.  I used to do a hellofa macrame'd plant holder back in my hippie days.  Does anyone remember macrame?  Anyway, perhaps I can buy a baby sweaters at Target or Walmart and adapt them to the girls. 
 If I do this, I will definitely take a picture so you can see how far I have gone down the chicken-crazy path.
Meanwhile I am laying on the couch by the fire with a blanket, and have just turned up the heater.  Woke up at 0430 this morning for no apparent reason.  Does this ever happen to you?  And I mean I am wide awake, not just sleepy awake.
I reminds me of my working days when I got up at 0430, walked the dog, showered, washed my hair, ate a quick breakfast and was out the door to drive 50 miles to be to work by 0730.
Sometime I had to catch a 0600 flight from the airport, also 50 miles away.  had to leave the house at 0330 to get there, check in etc.
How in God's name did I ever do that?
I'll keep you posted on the chicken sweaters.

1 comment:

  1. I knitted each of my boys a pair of socks for Christmas one year... my stitch was sooooooo tight- the damn socks wouldn't stretch to get their feet in them. They made great ornaments for the tree... My knitting would give an entire new meaning to "choking the chicken!" BAHAHAAHAHAHHAAAAA!!!!!
