Monday, September 24, 2012

Sept. 24, 2012: Chicken Quiz Results

Red Jungle Fowl

What a day.  Spent it checking Craig's list for our special chickens.  Why is this so hard?  Maybe I don't really want chickens.  That thought has occurred to me.  Then I talked to my Cousin Judi who reassured me that the girls will come.  Since we don't want to raise chickens from chicks, we have to look for pullets so we are assured that we don't get a rooster.  What would happen if we got chicks and one turned out to be a rooster?  We can't have a rooster in the city, and I know I would already love the little guy when he finally crowed so then what? 

Thanks to those of you you took the chicken challenge.  Here are the answers to yesterdays quiz.

1.  False:  Hens can have also have spurs on their feet.

2.  False:  A chicken can run  up to  9 miles an hour.  ( bet they can hit 15mph though with the right impetus).

3.  False:  Gainseville,  GA. claims to be the chicken capitol of the world.

4.  True:  Well if it isn't true it should be.  Who eats friend chicken with a fork?  That's just crazy.  Gainesville even has a law against eating fried chicken with a fork.

5.  True:  Just like in human families, when there is no rooster the hen can take on that role.  If fact in humans it seems pretty common.

6.  True:  Chickens originated in India, Burma and Indonesia.  Their ancestors still live there and are called Red Jungle Fowl.

7.  True:  Chickens have been raised to perform tricks, and also because they are just fun to watch.

So how well did you do? 

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