Thursday, August 9, 2012

August 9, 2012: Chased by Chickens

Since starting my blog as a chiciken wrangler, I have had numerous comments about being chased by a chicken.  Even Sheldon, on Big Bang Theory had a childhood trauma involving a chicken and being chased up a tree.  Apparently the sight of a feather laden beast, approximately 4-7 lbs. in weight, who has no teeth, still fills the heart with fear!

I will admit being chased by a rooster as a child, and haven't we all been sent scurrying for safety by huge, mean, beaked creatures known a geese,  They are big and vicious!. 

But lovable little hens? 

I can understand being anxious when confronted by a rampaging rooster.  With wings out-spread they can resemble the T-Rex they are distant cousins, or the terrifying Velociraptors.  Those damned things, first glimpsed in the Jurassic park movies, still haunt my nightmares.  And they were smart and could open doors!

Chickens are smart, but would require extensive behavioral training to open the dead-lock on my front door, not to mention, they could not reach the alarm keyboard to turn it off. 

So when your in the house, you rule.  The chicken doesn't have a chance.

What changes when you step outside, that makes chickens seem dangerous?

I am much more afraid of crickets who are erratic and can jump on you, causing you to evacuate your bowels and bladder.  Snakes ......well just, ...snakes!  Now there is a creature that can actually hurt ya.

I am afraid of snakes.  All that crap about " they are more afraid of you then you are of them"..BS.  then why don't they stay hidden instead of crawling out and sunning them selves on my deck.  Afraid my butt!  They probably enjoy seeing and hearing me scream bloody murder and run for the shovel. (I have never killed a snake and believe in live and let live, unless they come in my house).

Just because we have a near miss on the freeway, does not keep us from driving, so one bad experience should not keep  us from embracing loving little egg laying hens.  Face you fears folks, and go hug a chicken, but keep the beak away from your face, OK?

1 comment:

  1. Do you think they will follow Annie and learn to use the dog door?
