Thursday, August 23, 2012

August 23, 2012: Chickens, Chickens Everywhere: What's Up With That?

Took my Mom downtown to our main thoroughfare, Plumas St, yesterday.  We now have a shop devoted to all things avian called "Birds Eye View".  It is a lovely shop with a beautiful array of items from decorative things, to books, feeders, and chicken related goodies.  Of course I added to my chicken paraphernalia.   I am aiming for a tasteful nod towards chicken art, but am worried my house will look like a chicken obsessed individual lives there.  I am not obsessed, I am just fond of chickens!

 Latest purchase.  Isn't it pretty?

Again I was reminded that there is a huge resurgence of interest in chickens in this country and abroad, if my blog followers are any indication.  I recently joined the Chicken Keepers Newsletter which is based in Australia I think.  People down under name their chickens, talk to them and generally treat them like we chicken wranglers do.  They love their garden chickens too.

As a therapist I am interested in what is behind this chicken- loving phenomena.  Surely it can't only be the eggs.  In an earlier blog post I mentioned my friend Vickie who thinks it is a desire to return to a simpler time, with chickens being a symbol of a peaceful, bucolic  life. 

Those of us who have ever farmed will tell ya it ain't all that simple or peaceful, but for the backyard chicken wrangler it is pretty easy.

Maybe its the gentle clucking or bocking sounds chickens (hens) make.  Kind of a sweet, melodious voice.
Chickens are also pretty, with colorful plumage and a funny little waddle.  They are entertaining to watch.  The flock dynamic is a little like any office in the world.  As I have said before, we can learn a lot from chickens.

I think that it is all of these things, plus the novelty of having chickens in our city yards.  Everybody has a dog, cat, gerbil, guinea pig, etc. but to have chickens in the city sets you apart.  It gives you a whole new set of folks to commune with, fellow city chicken wranglers.  The kids are out of the house, the nest is empty, so what can I take care of next?  Ah, I know!  Chickens! 

What ever the reason I say "hats off".   Sometimes we don't need to know the root cause or functioning of something to enjoy the benefits.  Like my car for instance, I have no clue how it works, or my cell phone.  Who cares!  These things help me have a good life, and so does wrangling chickens.

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