Thursday, August 16, 2012

August 16, 2012: No Roosters "Aloud"!

Ah what a bucolic sound, roosters crowing just before dawn.  I live about 2 blocks from a rural, agricultural area and so can hear the little darlings at 0 dark 30.  The first rooster crowing sounds so sweet, gentle even, welcoming the day!  HOWEVER, when he is joined by at least 4 other roosters and the crowing persists for some time, it looses it's appeal.  What if it were right next door?  OMG!  My sleep pattern is already iffy.  This would kill me. 

Normally I am a firm believer is government staying out of my life, the less government in my life the better. EXCEPT for the local ordinance that prevents one from having roosters in the city.  I love that one.

We can have up to 12 little hens, but no roosters and what a great "law".  This is not just a selfish, got to get my sleep thing for me, it is also a being sensitive to others thing.  1. All of my neighbors chose to live in the city, versus on a farm.  2.  Almost all of my neighbors work and need their sleep.  3.  Even those who are retired still need their sleep.

A few years ago, our goofy next door neighbor decided he'd have a couple of peacocks in his back yard, just over the fence from our bedroom.  Ever hear a peacock scream in the middle of the night.   After your heart stops trying to jump out of your throat, you shout What The Hell Was That?    Let me tell you it makes a rooster crowing seem like the soft purr of a kitten.  Clearly this man (still single by the way) has not learned that he does not live in a vacuum. 

Of course we already knew that due to his 2 foot high weed infested front "lawn" and dirt and weed filled back yard.  Not a great neighbor I'll tell ya..but he does drive not one, but two Mercedes.  This makes him a well-off boob.  He must have been raised in the proverbial "barn". 

The peacocks finally disappeared, poor things, but goofiness remains. 

Even though we won't have roosters ( don't want them anyway) we still plan on moving our coop around the yard, but away from the bedroom side of our neighbors houses.  Even gentle clucking can be disturbing to some, though I just cannot imagine that, and we want to be good neighbors.  Now if we could just get the guy right behind us to stop shooting baskets just over the fence, on the concrete, at 10:30pm, we'd be golden.  He relives his years of high school basketball routinely later at night and I think there is either beer or cocktails involved.  

Have a wonderful quiet day, dear Blog Buddies.

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