Saturday, August 11, 2012

August 11, 2012: Chickens and Jerry Springer

When I see chickens I feel a sense of peace.  Why is that?  Does anyone else out there get that feeling?  I'd love to hear from you. 

I have been astounded by the number of people who are reading my blog.  I never realized that so many people all over the world would want to read any thing I wrote, let alone keep coming back day after day. 
Thank you so much fellow chicken lovers. 

You have posed some great questions and provided me with many things to consider as I embark on chicken wrangling.   For example, Vickie asked if I'm worried about the girls following Annie into the house through the dog door.  I had not thought of that!  Chicken are smart and learn quick. Do we have to prepare for hearing the click of chicken feet across the wood floor. 

I now have visions of coming home and finding Annie and the girls lounging on the couch watching Jerry Springer, drinking diet coke and eating chips. 

I see myself chasing the girls around the house with them looking back at me, laughing.  Turns out they can run pretty fast, and bob and weave pretty good.  

Some breeds are harder to catch, like Leghorns.  Apparently they go nuts when you try to catch them.  Other breeds are friendlier and will squat down when approached.  That's the kind of chicken I want.  I read that Orpingtons are like this.  They also lay brown eggs and are docile.

Once I catch the little girl, I will need to learn to hold her right.  The way they show you in the books is tucked under your arm, backwards, with beak towards your back.  I prefer to cuddle them in my arms.  I  hope this works and that I sustain only a few chicken inflicted injuries.

Lastly, when I woke up today I had a little poem running through my head related to my future chicken.  Thought I'd share it. with you.  Now don't judge, OK?

" There once was a chicken named Mabel, who lived in a coop with a gable, She strutted her stuff and fluffed up her fluff and put yummy eggs on the table." 

1 comment:

  1. You could invest in a magnetic doggie door. Annie would wear a special collar that would let her in. It would be ok as long was she was quick. Not sure what might happen after they become friends, then she might hold the door open for them.

    Hugs, V
