Saturday, March 16, 2013

March 16, 2013: We're Back and The Chickens are Pissed Off

I have read so much about chickens in the last several months, and consider myself a semi-expert.  Especially as I now actually have chickens.  So the book learning and the experience have increased my love, and delight in the girls.  Can you tell there is a But coming?

OK, one of the facts I learned was that as long as the chickens have adequate food, water and shelter you can leave them for 5-7 days.  Perhaps this is the case when you have a large flock who range around your barn yard.  BUT when you have two chickiens who are essentially pets it is a different story.

Cal and I went up to our cabin to do some Spring cleaning and to get it ready for friends who are renting it for next weekend.   We cleaned the girls chicken run, freshened their pine shavings, made sure they had everything they needed, and then left for 3 days.  I even asked my sister to check on them to make sure they hadn't dumped their water over or anything.

She called me on day two to tell me she went by to check.  She said the chickens went nuts!  Ran to the pen door raising hell like Mommy, Mommy, Mommy!   They threw themselves at the door, pushing and shoving each other away, trying to get to her.

Karen has grown to have warm feelings towards Mabel and Barbara, but still has a healthy fear of them, so did not open the cage.  That was a good idea as she would have never gotten them back in.  Anyway, they were pissed off.

Upon arriving home on the 4th day, I immediately went outside to let them out.  Boy were they mad, and they did not spare the chicken swearing, at me.  I would have thought they'd run out into the yard, but instead they ran around my feet squawking and raising hell.   Cal came out too and they proceeded to give him "what for " as well. 

They had kicked most of their dirt out of the portable dust bath we have in their run, and clearly displayed their disapproval by making a Holy mess, as onlya  farm animal can do.  They did lay 5 eggs while we were gone, which was little consolation.

Cal and I picked them up and cuddled them, scratched under their wings, and told them how we missed them.  We discussed with them that the cabin was in the woods and that there were too many natural predators to take them with, as they are not house broken.  Can you house break a chicken?

We gave them some raisins and all simmered down in the kingdom.  But I am guessing that our next travel will mean having to hire a chicken sitter. 

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