Monday, July 30, 2012

July 30-What Does a Turquoise egg laying chicken look like?

This is an Araucana Chicken.  Isn't she cute?  She is sweet and curious and of course she lays eggs in my favorite color.  Actually I really don't care about the color of the eggs.  I just want happy, healthy chickens, 3 of them.

My friend Vickie wonders if the desire to have chickens isn't a way to connect with a simpler time in my life.  That may be true. 

My Italian immigrant Grandma, Michelina Maria Verdolivo Berry was a powerful loving influence in my life.  She was crazy about her little blond twin granddaughters.  She loved America, and all things American.  Her nickname was Mickey, and she was 4 feet 11 inches tall, but a force of nature.  She had an egg lady who live around the corner, Edna.  We loved to go to Edna's to get our eggs.

Right across the street was my Great Aunt Louise and her husband, my great Uncle, Edward ( Etz).  He had chickens, ducks, a goat named Nancy (?), a pond and a huge fig tree.  They also had a parakeet named Rocky who said " put you boots on". Why, I have no idea. 

Anyway, all of my Italian relatives lived within 2 blocks of each other when I was growing up, so there was a sense of safety and security there, and of course great food and LOVE.

So maybe I am trying to re-create that sense of comfort.  I know that watching chickens brings me peace

So by having chickens I will have Peace and Eggs!  What more can I ask for. 

Until tomorrow, Ciao Amici.

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