Friday, July 27, 2012

July 27, 2012 Eagerly awaiting the coop.

I neglected to mention yesterday that while many of you have expressed your love for BBQ, roasted chicken etc, our chickens will die of old age!  I think of the girls as sweet little chatty things, who hopefully will produce a few eggs from time to time BUT, will never be on the dinner menu.

Not sure where my love for chickens came from. In my hippy years I lived on a communal farm in Hood River, Oregon. Not the Rev. Moon type of commune, but two families of friends who all knew each other in Sacramento, and who wanted to get back to the land, so to speak.  By the way getting back to the land is a hellofa lot of work. Anyway, I had shoveled out a barn stall for my room, added windows that looked out onto Mt. Hood, had wall to wall carpeting and all my art work hanging.  It was really pretty neat, and myself and my two cats, Bummy and Fox lived out there. 

I shared a wall with the chicken coop and would occasionally see a chicken eye peering at me through the knot holes.  They were very interested in me!  Their little clucks were so comforting, kind of like a grandma saying "there, there, it will be alright".  They also worked so hard to produce eggs, and that was a totally different sound! OUCH  I grew to admire and delight in them.

So for those of you who think I have lost my mind, this is why I think I love chickens.  Also, they speak to me of a quieter more peaceful time when gathering the eggs was an adventure in breakfast prep!

1 comment:

  1. Was just watching a show where a couple was moving back to where his family was and the comfort of that. So maybe as we get older we gravitate back to the things that gave us some form of comfort in life....enviroment, family,and chickens?

    Vicki G.
