Saturday, July 28, 2012

July 28, 2012 Pets With Benefits Saga Continues.

Woke up this morning thinking about decorating the girls coop, and where to put in in the yard.  We have learned that they love to peck around the yard eating bugs while they also fertilize the lawn.  They also love to roost up on garden tables, so should have a ball in our yard. 

Read about a woman who trained her chickens to climb into her lap.  After they get used to us, that will be on my agenda.  I feel that all pets need affection and petting.  Well so do humans, right?

In my upper and lower division Behavioral Psych. labs, I did extensive rat research and training.  We were supposed to deprive the rat of food, them reward him ( or her in my case) with food for the desired behavior.  I however could not even think  of depriving Fuzzy, my rat.  I petted her, talked to her, played with her and treated her like a pet.  She was smart as a whip and learned to do several things in sequence.  I got 2 A's due to her delightful behavior.  She learned to come when I called her, and sat up on my shoulder while I studied, throughout grad school.  I kept her as a pet until her natural death, 3 years later .  RIP Fuzzy.  And thanks to Fuzzy, I also learned not to be afraid of mice and rats. Now snakes are another story.  I can hit high C when a snake crosses my path.  I can also run like an Olympian away from the snake.

So while Cal, my husband, is focusing on the implementation plan, I am focusing on TLC, chicken style.  Our next step in deciding what breed of chickens to get.  I'm thinking two different breeds, so we can get different colored eggs.   Also, how do the names Marilyn and Shelley sound.  Marilyn Monroe and Shelley Winters were running buddies back in the day, and I iimagine they had a fantastic time. Anyway tomorrow, more on which breeds to get.  Ciao fellow chicken lovers.

1 comment:

  1. Should I ask how many breeds do you have to chose from?
