Saturday, June 28, 2014

June 28, 2014: Chickens Can Be Spoiled Brats!

I know, I know, kids and chickens can both end up being brats when they are spoiled...usually by parents or grandparents.  I plead the 5th.  I do love my two little hens, and therefore are concerned about their welfare.

They have a lovely coop and chicken yard, but roam freely during the day around the backyard.  We feed them healthy chicken feed, scratch, with just the right amount of oyster shell mixed in.  SO....

I saw a post on Facebook about a summer treat you can make for chickens involving watermelon and yogurt where you kind of make a smoothy for them.  Well I did not have watermelon, but did have some farm fresh strawberries, and some strawberry Fat Free Yogurt.  So I made my own concoction in a glass bowl and took it out to them. 

They were very interested at first but then just wandered off from the bowl.  Ok, I thought, maybe it's just not there thing.  Then I took the spoon I was using to mash it all up, sat down with the spoon sort of hanging from my fingers.  Holy Hell!! They came running for the spoon like gangbusters, each trying to get a chance to peck the mixture off the spoon, totally ignoring the large bowl of the stuff at their feet. 

So being the good chicken wrangler/mommy that I am, I spent 15 minutes outside feeding them from the spoon, taking turns so they each got an equal amount.   Sad but true.

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