Friday, April 11, 2014

April 11, 2014: Chickens Celebrate Birthdays

I know this is a picture at Christmas, but the hens also like any kind of celebration.  Tomorrow is Cal's birthday.  I told the girls Daddy was having a birthday and they.....well they just looked at me.  But I could tell they were excited!  Barbara even pooped right then, so excited.
Cal and I talked yesterday about how much the chickens, our dog, and the 5 neighborhood cats we feed add to our lives. 
Annie gives us love, kisses, and cuddles.  The kittens are so sweet.  They won't let us touch them, but do stay on the porch versus running away like they did at first.  Very sweet to watch them come to the porch to eat.
But....our chickens give us something else!  That's why they call them pets with benefits.  EGGSEGGSEGGS!

Friday, April 4, 2014

April 4, 2014: Barbara Is A Star!

Cal brought Barbara into the house today to say Hello.  Decided to take a video of her as she was talking a blue streak and letting me pet her really sweetly. 

It turned out so cute that I posted it on FB.  Got numerous positive reactions.  Tried to copy it and paste it to this blog.  NO go.  So you'll just have to go my FB page to see her in action.

Meanwhile Today was a good day for the Chicken Wrangler.  The girls enjoyed the day, and we enjoyed watching them play in the yard.

Chickens make the day a better place.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

April 3, 2014: Spring Chickens!

In the midst of some rains storms, we've  had some lovely sunny days.  While we all enjoy the beauty of budding flowers, our chickens have gone completely nuts. 

Today we let them out as usual and they ran as fast as they could, as usual, out into the yard BUT....
they continued to race around the yard jumping and squawking like crazy.  I thought maybe a cat was prowling around and they were chasing it.  Turns out they were just filled with the joy of Spring!

Shortly after that the gardener came, and we had to put the girls in the chicken yard.  OMG the racket they put up.  The whole time they screeched and screamed.  Bet the neighbors liked that.  I mean, they have Spring Fever bad.  OR... it was the ripe tomato I gave them day before yesterday.

Love my feathered little girls.