Wednesday, May 15, 2013

May 15, 2013: More than just eggs:The Benefits of Having Back Yard Chickens

Some folks keep back yard chickens strictly for the eggs.  Nothing wrong with that.  Eventually you will get a return on your original investment, 7-10 years down the line, depending on whether the chickens become pets and live like little queens in palatial coops with air conditioning and heating, or, you see them as simple egg laying machines who live in a drafty box under the house ( in which case you should not have backyard chickens).

The eggs are delicious, unadulterated by whatever egg factories feed their chickens.  Just natural delicious protein.  But there is so much more to having back yard chickens.  Those of you who do not have backyard chickens will perhaps have a hard time relating to this, but trust me, they bring so much to the table, in addition to the eggs.

Here is an example:  On Mother''s Day I made dinner for my Mom, her boyfriend, my sister Karen and her husband.  After dinner Karen's Stepson John dropped by with a lovely plant for her.  John is a hard working business man, who like his Dad is a "hard room" when you tell a joke.  That means they are largely stoic.  They are both funny guys, but it takes alot to make them laugh.  Cal and I had to do the Harlem Shake, complete with masks and music just to get a chuckle out of our brother in law.  Anyway I digress.

I asked John if he would like to see our chickens, thinking he would not be interested.  After a bit he said," let's see those chickens".  So out we went into the backyard.  I corralled the girls who were kicking rocks in the corner of the yard, and herded them around the hedge.  Here they came in all their feathered glory, trotting along side by side, making their sweet little chicken sounds.  John asked me what kind they were, etc. Then just stood as if transfixed watching them cruise around the yard.  The sun was shining, the grass was so green, the trees kept the yard shady and cool, and the hens just were  being hens.  After a minute or so he said, " they are so peaceful to watch".  It was such a bucolic scene.  Right in the middle of the city.

I told him how the chickens bring a sense of peace, quiet, and tranquility to our yard.  How we often sit outside and watch them hang out. 

I asked Cal to bring out some raisins, and he showed John how they love raisins and jump up for them.  He wanted to feed some to them, and did, letting Barbara and Mabel eat raisins out of his hand.   I could not have been more surprised if he had sprouted wings and flown over the fence.

See what I mean.
These two little Chickens give us eggs, and tranquility.  I highly recommend it, but only if you discover that you love chickens, otherwise buy your eggs from the market and call it good.

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