Friday, November 30, 2012

November 30, 2012: Stormy Weather = Morning Egg

Awakened EARLY this morning by a phone call from my Mom.  She broke the early morning call rule to tell me that I did not need to come and get her at NOON today! Then she wanted to chat.

I had been sound asleep, heard the phone stumbled down the hall to answer it, only to have her hang up just as I got there.  Knew it was her, called her back thinking that it was some crisis.  NO it was not. ^%$#%$!  Late night and early morning calls all signal emergencies to me.  This was not an emergency.

You see we are having a series of storms over the next few days, lots of rain.  Ever since she and Dad had to evacuate in 1997, she gets panicky when we get a lot of rain.  So as Doppler Radar last night looked like the storm from hell was coming, I called her and told her we'd come pick her up today to spend the day with us.  Her response was, she had to get her hair done at 10:00am, then go to the store.  Guess she was not panicking this time. I said OK, I'll pick you  up at noon. 

She decided that she did not need to come to our house and felt that 0700 was a good time to call me and tell me that.  OK I know 0700 is not early for working folks, but remember I am retired.  I did my stint of waking up before 0500 to drive 50 miles to work, so I truly appreciate not having to get up early when it is not necessary.

What does this have to do with chickens?  Nothing. I just needed to vent.  I dearly love my 85 year old Mom, but she tries me, yes she does.

The girls got through the storm fine.  All the hatches stayed battened, on our hillbilly coop.  

Our Hillbilly Coop.
The back of our coop, all covered.  The front of the coop faces the sliding doors so the girls have something to Like Reality TV.

The girls were eager to get outside this morning, even in the wind and drizzle.  They have perfected the technique of walking real close to the house, under the eaves to escape the rain.  Even got to their dust bathing spot, which is dry, and took their baths.  Barbara layed an egg early this morning, rare for her this early.  Her routine is disturbed by the storm I guess. 

So I am up, drinking Italian coffee ( thank you Kate) in the kitchen.  We have enough eggs to make an omelet for breakfast.  It is a great day to stay in my sweats and read.  Think I'll make a cheese omelet for Cal and I.

Stay warm and dry dear blog readers.

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