Friday, October 12, 2012

October 12, 2012: Barbara and Mabel Settling In

Day two and the girls act like they have lived here for ever.  They love it when I sit with them outside and stay right next to  me except for when they venture out onto the lawn to peck around.

Barbara has the sweetest chortle and Mable has this little "brrrrrrr"sound she makes, though she just clucked for the first time a few seconds ago. 

They both live to look in the sliding glass doors at Cal and I or Annie.  Annie is very interested in them, and wags her tail like she want to play with them.

I have discovered that a broom works better for herding them, than chasing them while hunkering down and waving my arms like a goof.   

We did decide to build them a covered run that we will attach to the coop when we are away for a few days, so they have plenty of room to exercise and peck around.  They were raised to freely roam except at night. 

They wander around during the day, but head back into the coop later in the afternoon.  They both were in the roost when I woke up this morning.  It is so cute to see the, looking out the window.

My Mom came to see them today and I happened to be holding Barbara.  Mom sat down next to me and petted Barbara.  Then she told me she had been afraid of chickens since she was a little girl.  Guess she's going to get over that after 85 years.

I cannot tell you the peaceful feeling I get sitting here in the yard with the girls.  It is so lovely. 

Here is Barbara just hanging out on the patio.  Mabel is on the left behind the corner of the coop.

1 comment:

  1. So glad this adventure is being everything you wished for. The girls are lovely, cannot wait to meet them in person.

    Hugs, Vicki
